Order Flow

This section explains the steps needed to accept or reject an order.


Cart: This is a collection of items that a customer has expressed interest in purchasing. Similar to an online shopping cart or shopping basket at the grocery store. At this point a customer has not yet paid for the items. Adjustments can be applied to the cart when accepting it at the POS side. Note that several carts can be created by a customer within a short time.

Order: This is a collection of items that a customer has paid for. It includes all the items in the cart plus any POS adjustments and POS discounts. An order is mostly immutable, the items and total cant be changed. An order can be accepted or rejected by the POS.

Cart flow

The diagram below represents the flow from when a user starts an order up to acceptance of a cart.

Cart Flow

Order flow

The diagram below represents the flow from when a user goes forward with a cart up to the completion of an order.

Cart Flow

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